Become a farm member

Get access to local foods & products made & grown ONLY in New Mexico!

How it works

  • Come by and pick up your share
  • You get reports of the products you take and their retail value
  • You'll manage what you take every week to ensure you're getting value while not over-consuming
  • That's it...rinse and repeat!

Think of the store like your personal pantry. If we make or sell it at Bomvida Farms, it's shared between all the members. Take what you like, leave what you don't for others. You can pause or cancel your subscription any time.

Support the farm while enjoying the bounty of local food & farms.
Full members get access to ALL products.

Membership Options

Multiple options available based on your budget and store location:

Pickup in

Pick up your food at our Belen Store:

Click to order
or $90/wk
Click to order
Pickup in

Pick up your food at our Menaul Store:

Click to order
or $115/wk
Click to order

Can't Decide?

Come visit our retail store in Belen or Albuquerque…we’re open every day of the week.
We want you to see how we’re making local food better!
