About Bomvida Farms

Local family. Local Values. Local Food. Global View.

We're the Whitson family and we started Bomvida Farms to fulfill wishes we've had for decades.

We traveled the world with our kids and that gets pretty wild when you have three boys and they grow fast and eat a lot and have seemingly endless energy. So we pointed our RV back to New Mexico, bought some barren desert land, and are planting some roots!

Yana and Chris both grew up around farming. Yana's parents still live and farm a small orchard/garden on the same land she grew up on in Northern New Mexico. Chris was raised in Arkansas, operating farm equipment years before he'd be eligible for a driver's license. A small flock of chickens & turkeys graced their Albuquerque, New Mexico back yard before they set out for international travel. Some of those birds even had a roles on stage in ABQ's local theatre scene...performing several nights a week!

Chris wanted to use his expertise in the food business and Yana wanted to grow their own food. So here we are!

Being both members of Native American tribes (Yana is Navajo, Chris is Choctaw) we have a firm belief in being complimentary with the land as opposed to the "take, take, take" method of typical farming methods. Everything we do here that has an output (your food) requires an input (animal waste, water, nutrients, compost, carbon) to balance the system. This is how we use less resources to grow food while using no chemicals, commercial fertilizers, antibiotics, or any other adulterations to the plants, land, and animals whose care we've been entrusted.

We also think that healthy food should be available to everyone. If we lived in a perfect world, we could give our food away to people who need it most...but we live in a world driven by money. So our compromise is to make everything we grow owned by the members of our farm.

Membership will cost a monthly fee...and that's it. You'll know your food costs. Ground meat may have jumped to $8 a pound after coronavirus in the supermarket, but the meat we give you doesn't rely on that part of the meat industry. No matter what happens in the outside world, you should be able to eat well even if negative events are happening in other parts of the world.

We're building an entire food system so that one day, you won't need to shop for food at a grocery store. We'll provide it all:

  • Groceries at home
  • Meals to go you can take to work/school
  • Fully-prepared meals in our farm restaurant(s) when you're just too tired to cook

...all included in your monthly membership!
